Vidyadhari Paramitha

Vidyadhari Paramitha

People Advisory Partner at Frisian Flag Indonesia

About Vidyadhari

Vidya is a people partner and enabler.

She is passionate about empowering and enabling others to reach their full potential. Most of her professional experience is in the human resources field (business partnering, recruitment, learning development, and culture), mostly in the consumer goods and technology industries. She has partnered with leaders and employees across functions: technology, sales, marketing, and operations teams.

She would love to discuss anything related to self-development, career, human resources field, and recruitment preparation (especially for management trainee programs!).


Frisian Flag Indonesia


People Advisory Indonesia

2024-Sekarang Full-time

Learning & Development Assistant Manager

2023-2024 Full-time

Human Resources Management Trainee

2022-2023 Full-time


People Partner

2021-2022 Full-time


Universitas Padjadjaran


2017-2021 Strata 1


Consumer GoodsDairy


Human Resource Management & Recruiting
An emoticon of a woman raising their handAn emoticon of a man raising their hand
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