What is Grou CV Review?
Grou CV Review is a 3-day service that is designed for those seeking a professional evaluation of their CVs. Grou experts will give personalized feedback on your CV, plus bonus CV templates, discounts, and more to support your career journey.

Get CV insights from industry experts.

Get your feedbacks as quick as 3 days.

Build a CV that’s made for you to succeed.
How do we start reviewing my CV?
- Pick a package of your choice
- Proceed
to payment - Submit
your CV - Wait 1-3 business days
- Receive CV back with feedbacks!
Choose our CV Review packages
Rp 30.000
20% discount for 2x mentoring sessions

Video commentary of your submitted CV

Access to Recruitment & Interview Guidebook by Grou

10+ CV templates

10+ Cover Letter & Motivation Letter templates
Rp 10.000